Sunday, December 21, 2008

admix is sponsored

this is some exciting news which we received right before the break. program council wants to throw some money at admix in exchange for some space in admix advertising student programming. they're giving us a semesterly budget, and on top of that they want to help us distribute. they're down with the kiosk idea and additionally program council wants to throw a "release party" (not sure exactly what that means, but...) for the first issue of 2009 and they also want to pass out copies in the mall area on publication dates. so next semester admix will be a little different: color covers (at least), scheduled deadlines (for submissions, editing, and printing), and a little more manpower getting issues out beyond the arts departments. if things go well, the budget should increase. so there's something to look forward to in the new year!

happy holidays, y'all!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

3g installation proposal

at our last meeting, we discussed our proposal for the 3g project in the spring. many people were unable to make it, so i'm posting the proposal here. i'd kind of ad-libbed the "process" section. at our next meeting, we can start talking about how to execute it. also at our next meeting, we will be folding and stapling admix and electing officers for next semester, so if you have a long-arm stapler, you may want to bring it along...

Installation will consist of four components.
Component 1: Film of passenger traveling on a road looking out the window of a bus or car and wearing headphones, listening to music; single cut for entire trip, shot of passenger as well as view through window
Component 2: Music playlist of original as well as found music which the passenger listens to throughout the film
Component 3: Selection of found and altered objects positioned around the space
Component 4: Projection of video shifts such that it falls on the different objects scattered throughout the gallery at different times.
Objects positioned in the gallery are symbols of things that arise in the passenger’s mind as they are looking out the window listening to music – they are the symbolic product of components 1 and 2. The projection moves to an object when that object arises into the passenger’s mind. There is a neutral spot to which the projection moves when necessary; for example, perhaps at times when the passenger’s train of thought is interrupted by another person, etc. The entire trip is filmed in one cut and left unedited except for its position. There are two types of objects in the gallery: 1) objects which represent external things the passenger actually observes and 2) objects which are the internal mental wanderings of the passenger unconnected to external stimuli. These two types of objects will be visually differentiated, for example by painting all objects of one type white. In addition, objects will be chosen so that the collective body of objects in the gallery is unified under a particular concept or aesthetic, which will be determined as the video is viewed with the music and decisions about objects start to be made.
Will include travel for filming the passenger (preparatory and actual), as well as the purchase of objects chosen to represent streams of thought and the materials needed to alter objects as necessary.
Pick a route to take the trip on and drive it once or twice to get an idea of what will be seen and what kind of music we would like to go with the route.
Decide on playlist for passenger. Will include songs suggested by all members of CDCC. Some songs will be found, others will be original compositions, but they will be chosen and ordered so that they are unified and make sense flowing from one into another.
Film the trip in one take.
Watch the film as a group and decide what objects we will place in the gallery. Consider space available in the gallery, whether the objects are of type 1 or type 2, whether the objects will be modified, where they must be placed, etc. Also consider the use of the neutral area. Sketch placement in gallery.
Acquire and alter objects as necessary.
Edit film so that each section is projected in the general area of the flat screen that would correspond to where the object would be on that flat plane in the gallery.
Set up objects in gallery in approximate position. Project film. Adjust objects as necessary.
Decide on menu for reception night.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Umm...>_< (Ideas and stuff!)

Last Tuesday I was at the Raven Rep. II show, so I missed the meeting.
This week I went by the LSC at 7, and did not find anything about the CDCC or anyone. I dont know if there was a meeting or not, but if there was, I missed out =(
That being said, I am ready to bring ideas to the table at the next meeting!

-I've given more thought to the video vignettes...Image play, sound play. Key word: sensory.
-Ideas for 3G. It would be a multi compositional peice, all stemmed at one point or theme...or none at all. It also has to do with a broad, looser sense. More elaboration on that at the meeting.
-A small Idea for ADMIX. It's not a full idea, more a random thought that may prove to be interesting. It has to do with candid photos, though this may just be tossed and melted with the indie submissions, or a monthly "editorial" article.
-The ADMIX Podium!!! Totally excited about that, and can't wait to get started! I might even bring sketches...

That's pretty much it. It will be elaborated upon at the next meeting. Im also working on the Raven Films info and interview, I just havn't had the chance to pull it all together yet. I still have a couple weeks though, so I will be working hard to have it for the next issue of ADMIX. I hope the new issue of ADMIX is great, and putting it together went smooth!
If there was a meeting tonight, please post up what was discussed on the blog! I really want to be kept up to date! I really need to get your phone numbers so I dont risk missing a meeting again! If you dont mind, please send me your phone numbers via facebook (in a private message of course!) so that I may contact you all when needed!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008

scenes from an execution

this tuesday, october 14, we will not be meeting in the lsc. instead, we will attend the wednesday performance of scenes from an execution. student tickets are $8, and we have a couple reserved, so contact me or reserve your own. so: no meeting on tuesday; play on wednesday.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

ideas for the 3g show in the spring

i'd like to start throwing out some ideas here. i think the blog is ideal for this, so that other group members who can't make it to the meetings can participate.

one idea that has been on my mind is the natural passage of time. brian herrington, one of the music professors, held a creative workshop for composers this summer, and he was asking why time in music doesn't reflect time in the natural world. pieces are composed in metrical beats: 4/4, 3/4, etc. but if you sit in a room, natural time acts differently. your heart beat, sporadic sounds of birds outside the window, rain drops, a shadow moving across the room, the ascent and descent of winds, the cycles of night and day, etc. i think this concept would challenge all of us. personally, i am not used to dealing with time at all in my work, typically. i don't have any ideas at all regarding what we would do; it's just a concept.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Rough copies of a few pages, please give stylistic and content input, more details in facebook message


this is the standard cover for our cross-disciplinary publication. we will be publishing it monthly. it will include event calendars, reviews, feature articles, etc as well as submissions received from readers. if anyone would like to submit something for inclusion, you can mail it to p.o. box 7231, huntsville, tx 77342, or you can e-mail it to

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Horror Show

These recent pieces will be in the Monster Show 3 exhibition at the Domy Stores in Houston and Austin.
For more info:
My site:


at the meeting on tuesday, we all showed samples of our work. knowing that there are students who could not make it to the meeting, we decided to post samples on the blog and invite everyone to do so. you can post links to other sites if that works best for you. here are photos of some of my work. the second and third pieces turned sideways and i couldn't correct them. i have done lots of other pieces for class assignments and such, but this is the stuff i care about. also, here is a link to a site where i published my zines: and a link to a site where i published an interactive public project:

Monday, September 29, 2008

next meeting

our meeting scheduled for this tuesday, the 30th, will be held in art bldg f, room 107, where the potluck is held. bring samples of your work. we will be discussing the publication and the collaborative project for the gaddis geeslin gallery. see you there!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Cinephiles Unite

F.A.C.S.S. is back with its Fall 2008 / Spring 2009 schedule.
Don't miss the special F.A.C.S.S.S. page!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Connect / Disconnect

New exhibition in the Gaddis Geeslin Gallery.
More info:

The Gaddis Geeslin Gallery will be able to fund a CDCC project! We can offer a budget of $500.00 to create a work that embodies the spirit cross disciplinary collaboration. Stipulation: The project must coincide with the 2009 10th Annual Juried Student Art Show reception and Art Department Open House.(See 3G blog for dates). Please develope a conceptual outline and a rough budget by the end of the Fall 2008 semester. This is the first multi-departmental student project sponsored by the 3G. Congratulations and good luck!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

the next meeting will be 9.30.08, tuesday, in the LSC (tentatively).

minutes from 9.23.08 meeting

-a new facebook group has been made to facilitate communication and updates, you should be able to find it by searching "cdcc" on the facebook seach box

- the CDCC has been given the opportunity by the head of the SHSU art department gallery committee head (our faculty sponsor Matt Guest) to do a funded project to be a displayed/held in conjunction with the Annual Juried Student Show.

- we officially decided to try to produce an Arts magazine to be distrubuted locally that would possibly highlight local events, etc, tbd.....

-also raised for discussion:.
  • Bich showed her portfolio and talked about her work
  • we talked about the rise of concept in the arts: in the visual arts, work produced after Duchamp being based no longer on taste and aesthetics. also, in music, the rise of programmatic music, music that is about something, rather than just music about music.
  • we talked about how the rise of concept led to artists racing to produce something new, like the first sculpture out of discarded macaroni from inner city kindergarten classrooms, but that work that was so focused on innovation often lacked substence. so we postulated that there is now a move from concept to content, pointing to the addition of meaning and significance beyond mere novelty.
  • we talked about art as communication; how the perception of the viewer, the act of viewing itself is the second half of the artisitc process, how every piece is always open to interpretation
  • we talked about art as human experience; creating meaning, metaphor- creating new meaning from two things you wouldn't expect, gaining meaning that you couldn't get on your own.
  • art as connecting with other people
  • then a looong discussion of right/wrong, good/bad....
  • continue these discussion and arguments on the blog!

Monday, September 22, 2008

don't forget about the potluck! tuesday, sept 23rd at 7 p.m. in art bldg f, rm 107. i fliered all over campus today, so we might get some new people. i just finished making my dirt cake!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


yeah, let's postpone the potluck until next tuesday, the 23rd.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Since the university is closed monday and tuesday, are we going to post-pone this potluck so more people can take part in it?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

potluck update

we wanted to have it in the lsc, but "the man" says that any food in the lsc has to be ordered through aramark - apparently you are not even allowed to bring your own food from home, or even food that you have gathered/hunted and prepared yourself... so it's going to be in art bldg f, room 107. also, the above-pictured flier does not mention the potluck-nature of the event for the same reason; however, it IS still a potluck, so don't forget to bring food!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


i'll bring dirt cake.

the lsc has been giving me the run-around on booking a room, but i got the name of the lady i need to talk to and she is supposed to be in tomorrow, so we should be able to know by tomorrow whether we can have the potluck in the lsc or whether we'll have to have it in art building f. they might ask about what kind of media (projectors, etc) we want - does anybody have any special media needs for material they wish to present? if so, you can e-mail me or post here. also, i should know by then about plates and utensils...

Monday, September 8, 2008

Nathan Sapio Redux

Heres a rough idea of how Nathan's artwork would adapt to my style.
And here's the best sample of my animation capabilities thus far.

Lock Jaw

The Lawndale Art Center in Houston is having a fund raising exhibition of artist-made Retablos. They provide you with a piece of tin and you provide the art. My contirbution is pictured above.
For more info:

Sunday, September 7, 2008


I'll bring a big plate of quesadillas! Are there already going to be plates/utensils there?
-Nathan Sapio

Welcome To The CDCC! First Potluck...

Not only is this post a test, it's to tell you about the CDCC! The CDCC is a student organization at Sam Houston State University, comprised of students from all disciplines of the Arts. The CDCC is an open forum to facilitate collaboration and discussion within said Arts. Our next meeting will be TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th and will be held in a (yet to be decided) meeting room in the LSC. The next meeting will be a pot luck, where members can eat, relax, have fun, but most importantly illuminate the members of differing disciplines to the artistic state of affairs within your own art discipline.

If you already know what you plan to bring to the pot luck, post what you're bringing so others can plan accordingly!