Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Rough copies of a few pages, please give stylistic and content input, more details in facebook message


Shannon said...

That looks incredible so far.
I'll see what other info I can get for the literature section.

: )

sarah said...

i actually like the mission statement as it is, except for i think "it's mission" should be "its mission". i think it covers everything we want to say, but is still concise and not long-winded, which is appropriate.

Bich Do said...

It looks really great! I have one suggestion though. Because we do not have an active dance major member... perhaps we should combine the tabs "dance" and theatre (because it is one department) into "performing arts" especially since we have the visual arts section

Nathan Sapio said...

good ideas, everyone.

Caleb said...

Looks pretty badass. Here's something of mine you can use for the submissions section:

=D said...

Really great looking stuff. Sorry I've been so out of the loop and uninvolved lately. Life has been piling up >_<
Anyhow, this looks absolutely great! Im really excited about it. Unfortunately according to Nathan's facebook message it looks like I missed the deadline to submit anything...I suppose it will give me more time to fine tune my submissions then. I think we are definately going in the right direction here, and again, am really excited to see whats to come! Let me know when the next meetings are so I can do my best to go and contribute ideas and such!

sarah said...

no worries, sam! yeah, we decided on tuesday what we wanted in the zine and we also decided that we wanted to put out october's issue right away, so that's what happened. but we'll pretty much start working on november's now, so you should definitely submit for that!
we're not meeting this tuesday. instead, we are going as a group to see "scenes from an execution" on wednesday. next tuesday, we'll be meeting in lsc rm... 329, i think?... at 7. we'll send out an e-mail to let everyone know.

Anonymous said...

Issue one is great. You guys really deliver. Admix makes SHSU look good. We are lucky to have you...Congratulations!