Tuesday, September 23, 2008

minutes from 9.23.08 meeting

-a new facebook group has been made to facilitate communication and updates, you should be able to find it by searching "cdcc" on the facebook seach box

- the CDCC has been given the opportunity by the head of the SHSU art department gallery committee head (our faculty sponsor Matt Guest) to do a funded project to be a displayed/held in conjunction with the Annual Juried Student Show.

- we officially decided to try to produce an Arts magazine to be distrubuted locally that would possibly highlight local events, etc, tbd.....

-also raised for discussion:.
  • Bich showed her portfolio and talked about her work
  • we talked about the rise of concept in the arts: in the visual arts, work produced after Duchamp being based no longer on taste and aesthetics. also, in music, the rise of programmatic music, music that is about something, rather than just music about music.
  • we talked about how the rise of concept led to artists racing to produce something new, like the first sculpture out of discarded macaroni from inner city kindergarten classrooms, but that work that was so focused on innovation often lacked substence. so we postulated that there is now a move from concept to content, pointing to the addition of meaning and significance beyond mere novelty.
  • we talked about art as communication; how the perception of the viewer, the act of viewing itself is the second half of the artisitc process, how every piece is always open to interpretation
  • we talked about art as human experience; creating meaning, metaphor- creating new meaning from two things you wouldn't expect, gaining meaning that you couldn't get on your own.
  • art as connecting with other people
  • then a looong discussion of right/wrong, good/bad....
  • continue these discussion and arguments on the blog!

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