Thursday, March 12, 2009

CC from the facebook group:

*tomorrow night (3/12) at 6:00 in huntsville we're getting together to get work done for the installation and we're bringing food so that it won't all be work. If you can/want to come send a message. Also, post what food you're bringing so that it wont all be cookies again.*

If you can come and/or bring food, post on the facebook group.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

below this is the full chart layed out in logic form
here are the brainstorm, basic objects we came up with

  • books
  • tape measure
  • microscope
  • judges scale - something acting as weight
  • briefcase
  • tacklebox
  • calculator

fact dep/acad/evidence

  • crutch
  • stockticker w/ reason
  • receipt w/ reason instead of prices
  • list of #s
  • abacus

thought driven/reason based/info sorting

  • sextant
  • compass
  • tacklebox
  • separating meat parts
  • swiss army knife
  • calculator
  • computor
  • circuitry
  • binary code
  • robot
  • dominoes

long term

  • safe

thought/actions calculative

  • chess


  • alarm clock, stopwatch
  • pregnancy test
  • preg test as clock hands
  • object on display in glass/on stand


  • umbrella
  • umbrella under house
  • voodoo doll
  • fortune teller
  • deck of cards
  • bingo
  • dice
  • refragmented object
  • monolith
  • totem/rune
  • gnome


  • divining rod
  • military experience rank patches
  • third eye
  • cooking

emotion driven

  • thermometer
  • weathervane
  • volcano
  • water/fluid
  • letters

term logic chart

Sunday, March 1, 2009

update on word list and questions

terms: this list is not quite finalized. as we were coming up with these terms, we started sort of organizing them and grouping like ones together, etc. what we ended up with is essentially a matrix with two axes. one axis is divided into religious/secular and the other is divided into scientific/irrational i'm listing these "big 4" in bold and then all the terms that fall under them.
impulsive/short-term planner
optomistic in the naive sense (by belief)
thought-driven/reason-based decisions/internal fact-grouping
deductive reasoning
inductive reasoning
optomistic by choice
fact-dependent/logic-dependent/academic/needs proof
actions are calculative
long-term planner
realist (results oriented)
realist (openness - to information/ideas; opposite of ignorant)
secular/internal has the most value
subjective truth
personal ethics/utility-based
ok to lie if...
religious/existence of something outside self that is greater than self
absolute truth
morals which are self-legitimizing/self-justifying
never ok to lie
systems-oriented (social systems)/concerned with independent reality

the questions we created by asking them to make a choice which orients them on the religious/secular axis and then to explain their reasoning, which orients them on the subjective/objective axis.

1. pick the statement with which you agree the most. explain your reasoning:
- no aid should be given to the popor in a community; all members should provide for themselves
- a moderate, mostly sufficient amount of aid should be given to the poor in the community at the discretion of indiviudals in the community
- the poor in the community should be guaranteed a large portion of aid at the involuntary cost of the rest of the community
2. pick the statement with which you agree the most. explain your reasoning:
- you have absolute right to do anything to your body at any time
- you have the right to do anything to your body as long as it doesn't affect others
- you have the right to do anything to your body as long as it does result in physical or mental detriment to yourself
3. pick the statement with which you agree the most. explain your reasoning:
- it's never okay to steal
- it's okay to steal if no one suffers obvious loss
- it's okay to steal if there is obvious loss, but also strong need
- it's okay to steal if no one prevents you from doing so
4. pick the statement with which you agree the most. explain your reasoning:
- it's never okay to kill
- it's okay to kill in the case of self-defense
- it's okay to kill if in retribution for past crimes
- it's okay to kill if to prevent more deaths
5. pick the statement with which you agree the most. explain your reasoning:
- truth is absolute
- truth is relative to time
- truth is relative to society/culture
- truth is relative to individuals
- there is no truth
6. order the following by their importance, from most important to least: [i didn't get a chance to copy down this question, because christina came up with it left early, but i'll get all the options. it's like family, benevolence, education, etc.]

we'll be conducting interviews in the lsc mall area tuesday march 3rd, and probably a time or two after that as well. drag your friends by. :)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

questions and word list for the new project

like we said, let's all post our ideas of a basic set of descriptors and evaluative questions. Next meeting we can put them all together and keep the best stuff.

Questions: (first 3 were my original set, the rest are good ones other people brought up)

-What is a Human Being?
-What is the purpose of a Human Being?
-Briefly, is there 1) Truth? 2) Incontrovertable, Absolute Truth? 3) Right & Wrong? 4) Incont., Abs. Right & Wrong?

-What's wrong with the world today?
-What's your strongest/clearest childhood memory?
-What happens to you when you die?
-Describe the color Red.
-What clique to you feel you belong to?
-What are your views on sex?

Word list


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

new plans

okay, so we're ditching the driving idea... in favor of something much more interesting.

the installation format will remain similar to our original proposal: there will be a video projection and there will be objects installed in the gallery relating to the video, and there will be a musical component. however, the approach is totally different.

first, we are going to come up with a list of human characteristics and a list of objects or compound objects to represent them - like a code or dictionary. there will also be a musical representation to accompany the visual. then, we are going to interview people and ask them a series of questions of various intensity. for example, a banal question, a question about popular culture, a question about philosophy or religion, etc. at the end of the interview, we show them our symbols without their corresponding characteristics, and we ask them to pick three (or something).

the installation will consist of a rectangular arrangement of cubbies with a central void. the video of the interviews will play in the central void - with the dialog muted out. as each person appears on screen, the objects which are associated with their character will be illuminated, and the corresponding musical representation will be heard. there will be multiple objects illuminated, so there will also be multiple musical representations playing simultaneously.

we're considering the possibility of building a booth in which to interview our participants so that we will have an environment for visual continuity. for next week, we are bringing in films of interviewing people - just to see what it looks like. also, we are starting to compile lists of characteristics and corresponding symbols. we don't want the representations to be directly illustrative - in other words, obvious.

Friday, January 30, 2009

potluck and film project

just a reminder to everyone that our semesterly potluck will take place this coming tuesday, feb 3rd in the sculpture classroom, art bldg c. bring some food and samples of your current work.

also, we are taking a flexible approach to our installtion project. the installation is really about mental processes and how they involve both perception and imagination. the video and music components are serving as the perception in our installation. the video does not necessarily have to be of someone driving, as this detail is not a part of the concept. that being said, we have decided to experiment over this week. if you have a digital camera with a video setting on it, take short videos of whatever events or activities you find visually or conceptually interesting. just remember that the film is to be heavily visual and to not rely on sound. it could still be a video of, say, a person talking, as that may be visually or conceptually compelling. bring the a/v chord that came with your camera and we will hook the cameras up to a tv and watch all our short clips on mute during our potluck and talk about what direction we want to go with the video component.

hope to see y'all there!

Friday, January 23, 2009

update 2009

for anyone who was not able to come to our first meeting...

we talked about the new situation with admix. due to sponsorship, we have a new set of specs for admix, which might be negotiable in the future:

1. admix will be printed on glossy paper
2. the whole outmost page will be printed in color, so we will have color front and back covers, as well as color inside those covers
3. we run programming for program council, which is arranged by their graphics people and submitted to us, taking up 2-3 of admix's pages, which are limited to a total of 16
4. we are able to print 200 copies of admix, 3 issues each semester
5. the printing center assembles the zine - no more folding and stapling!
6. we set up a schedule for deadlines of sumbission, and dates of publication. since the printing center needs 5 business days to handle the job and the editors must have time to ensure that the zine conforms to the alloted specs, the schedule is as follows:
issue 1:
deadline for submissions: friday january 23, 7pm
submission to printing center: monday january 26th, 8am
publication release date: monday, february 2nd
issue 2:
deadline for submissions: friday february 20th, 7pm
submission to printing center: monday february 23rd, 8am
publication release date: monday, march 2nd
issue 3:
deadline for submissions: monday, march 23rd
submission to printing center: wednesday, march 25th
publication release date: wednesday, april 1st

for the next two weeks, we will be meeting in the sculpture classroom in art bldg c, on tuesday nights at 7. this tuesday (26th), we will start tasking out our film project. our semesterly potluck is scheduled for february 3rd - that's where we bring food and samples of our current work and share. good times.

stay tuned...