Sunday, March 1, 2009

update on word list and questions

terms: this list is not quite finalized. as we were coming up with these terms, we started sort of organizing them and grouping like ones together, etc. what we ended up with is essentially a matrix with two axes. one axis is divided into religious/secular and the other is divided into scientific/irrational i'm listing these "big 4" in bold and then all the terms that fall under them.
impulsive/short-term planner
optomistic in the naive sense (by belief)
thought-driven/reason-based decisions/internal fact-grouping
deductive reasoning
inductive reasoning
optomistic by choice
fact-dependent/logic-dependent/academic/needs proof
actions are calculative
long-term planner
realist (results oriented)
realist (openness - to information/ideas; opposite of ignorant)
secular/internal has the most value
subjective truth
personal ethics/utility-based
ok to lie if...
religious/existence of something outside self that is greater than self
absolute truth
morals which are self-legitimizing/self-justifying
never ok to lie
systems-oriented (social systems)/concerned with independent reality

the questions we created by asking them to make a choice which orients them on the religious/secular axis and then to explain their reasoning, which orients them on the subjective/objective axis.

1. pick the statement with which you agree the most. explain your reasoning:
- no aid should be given to the popor in a community; all members should provide for themselves
- a moderate, mostly sufficient amount of aid should be given to the poor in the community at the discretion of indiviudals in the community
- the poor in the community should be guaranteed a large portion of aid at the involuntary cost of the rest of the community
2. pick the statement with which you agree the most. explain your reasoning:
- you have absolute right to do anything to your body at any time
- you have the right to do anything to your body as long as it doesn't affect others
- you have the right to do anything to your body as long as it does result in physical or mental detriment to yourself
3. pick the statement with which you agree the most. explain your reasoning:
- it's never okay to steal
- it's okay to steal if no one suffers obvious loss
- it's okay to steal if there is obvious loss, but also strong need
- it's okay to steal if no one prevents you from doing so
4. pick the statement with which you agree the most. explain your reasoning:
- it's never okay to kill
- it's okay to kill in the case of self-defense
- it's okay to kill if in retribution for past crimes
- it's okay to kill if to prevent more deaths
5. pick the statement with which you agree the most. explain your reasoning:
- truth is absolute
- truth is relative to time
- truth is relative to society/culture
- truth is relative to individuals
- there is no truth
6. order the following by their importance, from most important to least: [i didn't get a chance to copy down this question, because christina came up with it left early, but i'll get all the options. it's like family, benevolence, education, etc.]

we'll be conducting interviews in the lsc mall area tuesday march 3rd, and probably a time or two after that as well. drag your friends by. :)

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