Friday, January 30, 2009

potluck and film project

just a reminder to everyone that our semesterly potluck will take place this coming tuesday, feb 3rd in the sculpture classroom, art bldg c. bring some food and samples of your current work.

also, we are taking a flexible approach to our installtion project. the installation is really about mental processes and how they involve both perception and imagination. the video and music components are serving as the perception in our installation. the video does not necessarily have to be of someone driving, as this detail is not a part of the concept. that being said, we have decided to experiment over this week. if you have a digital camera with a video setting on it, take short videos of whatever events or activities you find visually or conceptually interesting. just remember that the film is to be heavily visual and to not rely on sound. it could still be a video of, say, a person talking, as that may be visually or conceptually compelling. bring the a/v chord that came with your camera and we will hook the cameras up to a tv and watch all our short clips on mute during our potluck and talk about what direction we want to go with the video component.

hope to see y'all there!

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