Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Umm...>_< (Ideas and stuff!)

Last Tuesday I was at the Raven Rep. II show, so I missed the meeting.
This week I went by the LSC at 7, and did not find anything about the CDCC or anyone. I dont know if there was a meeting or not, but if there was, I missed out =(
That being said, I am ready to bring ideas to the table at the next meeting!

-I've given more thought to the video vignettes...Image play, sound play. Key word: sensory.
-Ideas for 3G. It would be a multi compositional peice, all stemmed at one point or theme...or none at all. It also has to do with vignettes...in a broad, looser sense. More elaboration on that at the meeting.
-A small Idea for ADMIX. It's not a full idea, more a random thought that may prove to be interesting. It has to do with candid photos, though this may just be tossed and melted with the indie submissions, or a monthly "editorial" article.
-The ADMIX Podium!!! Totally excited about that, and can't wait to get started! I might even bring sketches...

That's pretty much it. It will be elaborated upon at the next meeting. Im also working on the Raven Films info and interview, I just havn't had the chance to pull it all together yet. I still have a couple weeks though, so I will be working hard to have it for the next issue of ADMIX. I hope the new issue of ADMIX is great, and putting it together went smooth!
If there was a meeting tonight, please post up what was discussed on the blog! I really want to be kept up to date! I really need to get your phone numbers so I dont risk missing a meeting again! If you dont mind, please send me your phone numbers via facebook (in a private message of course!) so that I may contact you all when needed!